Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Think Twice

How often do you see a vehicle drive by these days with a business name and phone number on the side of it?

The next time you see someone step out of a vehicle with a sign like this ask them if they have heard of the .tel?

Ask them if they know all of their contact information about their business may be stored within a .tel domain? (including their telephone number)

Ask them if they know a .tel doesn't require hosting, so that all they need to do after purchasing a .tel is login and input their contact information and it goes live to the internet?

Ask them if they know that they may change their contact information within their .tel at anytime, and not worry about clients losing outdated information?

Ask them if they know that purchasing (their business name).tel or (somecatchyphrase).tel is far more memorable than their phone number?

Ask them if they know that more and more people have internet on their mobile phone and a .tel will load fast and friendly from any mobile phone with internet?

Ask them if they know what a Vcard is?

Make sure to let them know of all things that the .tel is different...

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

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