Sunday, April 11, 2010

.tel for clarity

Use the .tel to clear space on your business card.

How many more pieces of contact information will we be adding to our business cards?

Business phone number, cell phone number, fax number, physical address, email address, twitter page, facebook url, myspace page, linkedIn url, RSS feed, flicKr page...

Simplify your business card by only having the one piece of contact information you need for others to know - your .tel. Start to give your card the fresh look others already have by just having your business logo/message, your name and your .tel. Watch the double-take when others grab your card and make sure to let them know all of your contact information may be found at your new .tel. If you're still a little nervous, go ahead and personalize the moment by writing your actual phone number on the back. For an even fresher look put your logo/message on one side with your name and .tel on the back - talk about really focusing on your message.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

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