Thursday, April 22, 2010

.tel and turbocharge your marketing plan

Whatever the goals and objectives of your marketing plan may be for your business, association, organization, event, club, band, ... give it a BOOST with a .tel.

Here are a few ideas how:

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Ending your emails with lots and lots of contact information? Sign-off emails with your name and your .tel domain that contains all this information (are people more likely to remember your name, phone number, fax number, email, website, address, etc or are they more likely to remember your name and your .tel?)

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Draw some attention to your business, put up a sign in your window that says 'Hey, all our contact info can be found at (insert your .tel domain).tel. (Tired of people calling for your store hours? Include them in your .tel and put up a sign that says 'Store hours found at (your .tel domain).tel.)

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! When those business cards are running low, think twice about reprinting new ones without your .tel domain, in fact think twice about putting all that contact info on them except your .tel. Draw some attention to your card, more space equals more attention to your message, besides all your contact information is found at (your .tel domain).tel anyhow, right?

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Talking about your event, business, organiztion, or charity has to be part of your marketing plan no matter what your goals and objectives might be. So while your talking mention this great new .tel thing you started. Guess what, when you tell people about it, they will look at you funny and want to know what you are talking about. And then they will go home and look at it, and then they will tell some of their friends and family about it. A strong word of mouth presence should be a part of any great marketing plan.

Incorporating a .tel domain into your marketing plan or strategy will give it a great BOOST. These were only a few ideas, but I am certain you will think up many more on your own. In the meantime, what are you waiting for, purchase your .tel at and include it in your marketing plan starting today.

And remember, the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

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