Friday, April 30, 2010

the .tel signature e-card (telcard)

Ahhh, the signature ending to an email - name, work number, cell number, fax number, email address (always thought this was strange to add considering it's already included in the 'from' field), website, business address, and for some a few other pieces of contact information. Throw in your favorite font, italicize your email, underline your website, maybe insert an emoticon, click save and you've got yourself a signature.

Add your signature and now your email has a little personal touch to it with a little of your style....but it's not fresh anymore, your fonts a little soggy, your contact info took too long to consume and is out of date, and your emoticon is growing mold.

Time to clean the slate. Time for a .tel signature. Assuming you've purchased and set-up your .tel of choice, end that email with your name and your .tel domain. That's it. Simple, direct, FRESH.

Wanna spice it up even more? Create your new .telCARD - give your favorite graphic designer a call or set it up yourself, make it simple, include your .tel and your name if you choose, with a link to your .tel domain, and insert it everytime you send off an email. Jaws will drop, eyes will pop, and mouses will click on the link...and we all know what that does to your SEO!!! (please keep in mind, there are no restrictions on creativity of your .telCARD, so have some fun with it too :)

remember....the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

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