Saturday, September 25, 2010

Does a .tel in a forest make a sound if there are no hikers for miles?

It's been a fun few months at telAviso, and autumn is now upon us in Big Sky country. Fortunately as the days begin to grow darker continues to grow into quite the mobile directory of Montana. As hundreds and hundreds of Montana businesses are now found at 406i, the task at hand is to make some noise in the forest.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

the .tel is different - FAQ #1: Is the .tel for business or personal use?

Is the .tel for business or personal use?

Great question. The .tel may be used for both.

For businesses, it's a great marketing tool, and so much more. A .tel domain stores all your contact information in one place on the internet, is easy to update, will be found on all major search engines, and is optimized for the mobile web. One domain may be used for multiple employees, agents, branches, franchises, departments, etc., or some businesses prefer to purchase multiple domains for each due to the affordability and ease of set-up and maintenance.

For individuals, it's a great way to centralize your contact information and different social media sites, as well as other favorite websites. And any contact information included in your .tel may be kept private to those who know you.

The .tel is not only for businesses and individuals, but also useful for associations, organizations, events, and any other entity looking for internet presence.

Give one a try and you'll be amazed the reaction when you start sharing with people your new .tel after you've set it up. Of course you can register your .tel at, but telAviso also offers set-up and monthly maintenance services. Check us out.

And remember...the .tel is different...

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Friday, June 11, 2010

the .tel is different - .tel FAQs request & website update

Hello and thank you all for reading our excerpts from telAviso.

Just a quick update, the new look to the website is on it's way, and when it is finished feedback would be greatly appreciated. Included in the new look an FAQs section will be added. The FAQs section is nearly finalized but if anyone has any particular .tel FAQs they would like answered please email them to

Remember - the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the .tel is different - hello telPages part Due

Having already established in part Uno that a .tel domain and a telPage are synonymous let's take a closer look at these telPages.

Here are a few examples of some telPages -,,, and

These examples show the basics of a telPage. A telPage is easily brought up in any internet browser, including mobile web browsers. It's a central place to store any and all contact information for a business, group, association, or individual. In addition to contact information, keywords and descriptions may be included in any telPage. A graphic of minimal size may be added to any telPage for increased brand recognition or just for fun. There are currently several telPages templates to choose, as well as the availability to alter the background colors. And as discovered by checking out, telPages may include a large number of subpages as well.

telPages are found by the major internet search engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. And as alluded to in part Uno each .tel domain is automatically included in the global telPages directory. How early in a search a telPage shows up will depend on the Search Engine Optimization applied to that telPage by it's administrator.

Have a look at the example telPages above, check back for more telPages information, and remember...

the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Friday, June 4, 2010

the .tel is different - hello telPages part Uno

The world is changing fast. The world is changing faster.

Do these two statements above seem similar yet different to you? Don't lose sleep over this question. What is important is knowing that telPages are synonymous with .tel domains, and any person, business, club, event, organization, .... , may buy a .tel domain and have their own telPage, or two, or three, ...

If you haven't already visited the telPages website, go ahead and have a look at What you will find is THE place to search through any and all .tel domains that already exist. As long as a .tel domain has been purchased, whether set-up or not, you will find it in the telPages.

Time for a quick review. Buy a .tel domain and you have yourself a telPage which may be found in the telPages. What are the telPages? The place where owned .tel domains are found.

Hmmm, but what really are the telPages?

Remember, the .tel is different...

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Saturday, May 22, 2010

the .tel is different - the .tel is mobile

- mobile web, mobile web growth, mobile web statistics, mobile websites, mobile internet, mobile web business usage -

Type the above keywords or phrases into your favorite internet search engine and EUREKA! you'll be convinced mobile web use is growing...and fast, actually...and faster. The number of people owning mobile web ready devices and the rate of internet usage from these devices continues to increase. As these numbers grow and grow users will want more and more information on the go.

And even though you may take your laptop with you, who wants to turn it on to check the weather forecast, find a good restaurant, or directions to a friends barbecue when you can do this on the fly from your cell phone? Isn't it easier to find this information by pressing a couple of buttons off your phone instead of powering up and finding an internet connection?(And why some coffee shops are charging for this still confuses me, I would be happy to sit down with any coffee shop owner and share the pros and cons and how leaving your network open is far better for your bottom line.)

Which brings me to one of the great advantages of the .tel domain - it's mobile ready! When you have purchased your .tel domain and inputted your contact information you have yourself a telPage. There is no hosting required and no website to be built. Someone types your telPage (example into their browser, their device then sees it's a .tel domain, and takes the information and optimizes the information to their screen automatically. There is no work on your part to make sure it sizes correctly to each particular device's screen, centers to the middle of the page, adjust the font size or other details as is the case when dealing with every other domain type - .com, .net, .info, .co, .biz etc. Every mobile web device out there will take your telPage when called and fit it to the screen appropriately. And because the .tel domain is all text/data it does this fast. So for those using the mobile web on the go the .tel loads fast.

And there you have it - a fast-loading, screen optimizing, mobile web ready website at your fingertips for the growing number of people using the internet on the go.

Remember...the .tel is different

Steve Phillips

.tel super consultant

Friday, May 7, 2010

.tel Basics

A .tel domain is:

*easy to buy for a low price

*easy to set-up and update

*easy to use as a marketing tool, an online presence builder, and as your contact central.

That makes a .tel easy, easy, and easy.

But just how is a .tel easy to buy for a low price?

Simple, visit, in the search box type in the .tel domain you would like to purchase, the next screen will show you if that .tel domain is available. Check the box if it is available, click on done and then choose how many years you would like to maintain ownership of that .tel domain. And of course the next step is payment, typical of any online purchase, and voila, you are ready to set-up your .tel domain.

Well, how easy is it to set-up and update?

This will of course vary depending on the user. The more computer savvy you are the less time it will take. The instructional video at is a great place to start, lasts five minutes, and is really all you need to know to be able to set-up and maintain your .tel domain.

As far as easy to use as a marketing tool, an online presence builder, and as your contact central, easy should really be replaced by fun. Buy a .tel, set it up, and put it on your business cards, in your store window, or if you're a band the next time you are jamming live stop in the middle of the song and let the audience know your online and let them know your .tel domain. Want attention? You'll get it. Of course there are enumerable ways to promote your business, band, artwork, event, cause, etc using a .tel domain...because...the .tel is different.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Friday, April 30, 2010

the .tel signature e-card (telcard)

Ahhh, the signature ending to an email - name, work number, cell number, fax number, email address (always thought this was strange to add considering it's already included in the 'from' field), website, business address, and for some a few other pieces of contact information. Throw in your favorite font, italicize your email, underline your website, maybe insert an emoticon, click save and you've got yourself a signature.

Add your signature and now your email has a little personal touch to it with a little of your style....but it's not fresh anymore, your fonts a little soggy, your contact info took too long to consume and is out of date, and your emoticon is growing mold.

Time to clean the slate. Time for a .tel signature. Assuming you've purchased and set-up your .tel of choice, end that email with your name and your .tel domain. That's it. Simple, direct, FRESH.

Wanna spice it up even more? Create your new .telCARD - give your favorite graphic designer a call or set it up yourself, make it simple, include your .tel and your name if you choose, with a link to your .tel domain, and insert it everytime you send off an email. Jaws will drop, eyes will pop, and mouses will click on the link...and we all know what that does to your SEO!!! (please keep in mind, there are no restrictions on creativity of your .telCARD, so have some fun with it too :)

remember....the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Think Twice

How often do you see a vehicle drive by these days with a business name and phone number on the side of it?

The next time you see someone step out of a vehicle with a sign like this ask them if they have heard of the .tel?

Ask them if they know all of their contact information about their business may be stored within a .tel domain? (including their telephone number)

Ask them if they know a .tel doesn't require hosting, so that all they need to do after purchasing a .tel is login and input their contact information and it goes live to the internet?

Ask them if they know that they may change their contact information within their .tel at anytime, and not worry about clients losing outdated information?

Ask them if they know that purchasing (their business name).tel or (somecatchyphrase).tel is far more memorable than their phone number?

Ask them if they know that more and more people have internet on their mobile phone and a .tel will load fast and friendly from any mobile phone with internet?

Ask them if they know what a Vcard is?

Make sure to let them know of all things that the .tel is different...

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Thursday, April 22, 2010

.tel and turbocharge your marketing plan

Whatever the goals and objectives of your marketing plan may be for your business, association, organization, event, club, band, ... give it a BOOST with a .tel.

Here are a few ideas how:

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Ending your emails with lots and lots of contact information? Sign-off emails with your name and your .tel domain that contains all this information (are people more likely to remember your name, phone number, fax number, email, website, address, etc or are they more likely to remember your name and your .tel?)

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Draw some attention to your business, put up a sign in your window that says 'Hey, all our contact info can be found at (insert your .tel domain).tel. (Tired of people calling for your store hours? Include them in your .tel and put up a sign that says 'Store hours found at (your .tel domain).tel.)

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! When those business cards are running low, think twice about reprinting new ones without your .tel domain, in fact think twice about putting all that contact info on them except your .tel. Draw some attention to your card, more space equals more attention to your message, besides all your contact information is found at (your .tel domain).tel anyhow, right?

* Once you've set-up your .tel domain ... USE IT!!! Talking about your event, business, organiztion, or charity has to be part of your marketing plan no matter what your goals and objectives might be. So while your talking mention this great new .tel thing you started. Guess what, when you tell people about it, they will look at you funny and want to know what you are talking about. And then they will go home and look at it, and then they will tell some of their friends and family about it. A strong word of mouth presence should be a part of any great marketing plan.

Incorporating a .tel domain into your marketing plan or strategy will give it a great BOOST. These were only a few ideas, but I am certain you will think up many more on your own. In the meantime, what are you waiting for, purchase your .tel at and include it in your marketing plan starting today.

And remember, the .tel is different

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Sunday, April 18, 2010

.tel the ice-breaker

Is there anything more fun than handing out your ordinary business card at a social gathering?

The answer is YES. Don't hand out a business card with your business logo, name, company address (street address, city, state, zip code), business phone number, cell phone number, fax number, email address, website address, facebook url, myspace page, twitter feed, flickr account, etc.

Hand out something FRESH. Hand out something that will draw some attention. Hand out a card shows your ahead of the curve. Hand out your new business card with your name, logo, and your new .tel. (Of course be sure to set-up your .tel before you print it on and hand out thousands of business cards.)

There is no need to take up so much space on your card anymore for all that information. Store it all in one place where someone may pull it up from there pc, laptop, or mobile phone and with the click of a button download it all to their address book instantly. And do you think they are going to toss your card in the can? If you were given a card with a .tel on it right now, would you throw it away or investigate if this is something you might use in your own marketing plan?

It goes without saying that after handing out your new .tel card and given the time you've got yourself a fifteen to twenty minute conversation piece. If you don't think people will want to talk about it give it a try and see for yourself.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Thursday, April 15, 2010

how to buy a .tel today

Steps to buying a .tel:

1 Visit

2 Type in the search box your name or business

3 Click find to see if your name or business is available

4 If available, select the number of years you would like to purchase

5 Enter your payment information

That's it. Doesn't take long at all.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Sunday, April 11, 2010

.tel for clarity

Use the .tel to clear space on your business card.

How many more pieces of contact information will we be adding to our business cards?

Business phone number, cell phone number, fax number, physical address, email address, twitter page, facebook url, myspace page, linkedIn url, RSS feed, flicKr page...

Simplify your business card by only having the one piece of contact information you need for others to know - your .tel. Start to give your card the fresh look others already have by just having your business logo/message, your name and your .tel. Watch the double-take when others grab your card and make sure to let them know all of your contact information may be found at your new .tel. If you're still a little nervous, go ahead and personalize the moment by writing your actual phone number on the back. For an even fresher look put your logo/message on one side with your name and .tel on the back - talk about really focusing on your message.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The .tel is different

What makes the .tel domain so different?

Of the many domain extensions available for purchase, .com, .net, .info, .biz, .org, .co, .me, .us, .mobi....the .tel is not the same. Here are some of the differences:

* .tel DOES NOT require hosting, that's right no need to pay for hosting or point your DNS anywhere

* .tel is mobile ready on it's own, the data you put in to your .tel domain will fit any and all mobile internet devices nicely

* .tel loads f-a-s-t...that's FAST...from your PC, laptop, or mobile internet device

* .tel takes very little set-up time, have your .tel live on the internet in minutes, and for that matter make a few changes and watch those go live soon after as well

* each .tel has a V-Card, with one click all your contact info is downloaded into most address book applications

Now those are just some of the differences. And there are many more great features of the .tel as well.

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hello from telAviso:

The .tel is an amazing opportunity for businesses, individuals, organizations, and pretty much any person or entity looking to make all of their contact information accessible from one place on the internet. The ability to change this contact info 24-7 from any internet source, including mobile devices, pc's, or laptops, is incredibly useful. The opportunity to make all or some of this contact information private and the rest public is another great feature of the .tel. All of this is available with the purchase of a .tel domain, but unlike other domain extensions hosting is not required. I know, AMAZING. is the place where you can purchase your .tel domain. After purchasing your .tel, if you would like assistance with setup, maintenance, or marketing strategies pertaining to your .tel give us a call for pricing packages because we love the .tel and would love to help you maximize it's potential.

Have a great day,

Steve Phillips
.tel super consultant